World Kangdukwon Federation

  • Kangdukwon Moo Do in West Africa

    Kangdukwon Moo Do in West Africa

    Master Kiệt trained with Grand Master Chau Nguyen Kim from 1973-75. In 1995, he was invited to teach taekwondo and judo at the National Police Training Center in Burkina Faso.

  • Invictus


    The poem that inspired Nelson Mandela, ‘Invictus’ Read by Morgan Freeman

  • In Memoriam

    In Memoriam

    Three of Kangdukwon Taekwondo’s strongest advocates in the United States have recently passed away.

  • Pakistan Kangdukwon News

    Pakistan Kangdukwon News

    Kangdukwon Grand Master Saleem Jehangir conducted a boot camp workshop for Pakistani black belts. Pakistan Kangdukwon Federation continues its journey of establishing Kangdukwon in Pakistan by adding clubs steadily.

  • R.I.P. Dr. Dennis R. Burke

    Kangdukwon Taekwondo has lost a stalwart friend in the late Dr. Dennis Burke. “We have lost a wonderful cosmopolitan and friend,” says Master Chong.

  • “I have given you a compass. Now use it!”

    “I have given you a compass. Now use it!”

     Hwa Chong, the Kwan Jang Nim of Kangdukwon Taekwondo, continues to urge Taekwondo students of all ages and levels to grow and evolve both as martial artists and as human beings. Taekwondo training and principles, he says, should be understood and applied at all levels and all periods of our lives, otherwise we fail to live…

  • Kangdukwon Moo Do in Vietnam

    Kangdukwon Moo Do in Vietnam

    Kangdukwon Taekwondo took root in Vietnam and today boasts several schools with hundreds of students, mostly in Ho Chi Minh City but also with many branches abroad.

  • WKF-Kangdukwon Moo Do Accord

    WKF-Kangdukwon Moo Do Accord

    Following five years of deliberations, discussions and negotiations, the World Kangdukwon Federation has agreed to recognize Ahn Gun Soon’s senior Vietnamese student Nguyen Chau and his most dedicated senior students as peers and equals of Kangdukwon students of WKF Chonggae and President Hwa Chong.

  • Kang Duk Won Moo Do’s Global Success

    Kang Duk Won Moo Do’s Global Success

    [Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam] After training for decades with scant recognition, Grand Master Nguyen Kim Chau of Vietnam together with all forms of Kang Duk Won Moo Do are at last receiving a warm welcome into the World Kangdukwon Federation community.

  • Kangdukwon in Pakistan

    Kangdukwon in Pakistan

    [Karachi] Even under prevailing pandemic conditions, the Pakistan Kangdukwon Federation (PKF) continues to push forward on its journey of building Kangdukwon Taekwondo in Pakistan, adding clubs while also building greater public awareness of Kangdukwon Taekwondo through workshops and public demonstrations.

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