U-M TKD Club founder Jim Young’s archival collection of martial arts photos
Jim Young sparring at a tournament in 1963Tang Soo Do Club of Wyandotte, MI 1963Detroit Tang Soo Do in1964Jim Young demonstrates poomsae in 1961Jim Young demonstrating side-kick at a demo in 1961The Ann Arbor Observer ran a photo story about the University of Michigan Taekwondo Club in 1968. Here Jim Young parries a kick from Mark Olson of Milwaukee as French black belt Ed Beall looks on at center. The photo caption ran as “Karate, an oriental sport which requires long hours of practice and rigourous self-discipline, is rapidly gaining in popularity in Ann Arbor and across the nation. Shown here are members of the University of Michigan’s Tae Kwon Do(Karate) Club at a recent practice session.”Left to right: Carl Stolberg spars with Dr. Ergun Ar as Jim Young, Patrick Harrigan, Jack Hoyt and and other U-M TKD Club members observe.Jim Young demonstrates the form Nianchi.Spring 1970 workshop in Muskegeon, MI featuring visiting Grandmaster Park Chull-hee (far left), Hwa Chong (far right) and a host of seniors and juniors.