Category: Hwa Chong

  • GGM Chong oversees HLTA Dan Exam

    GGM Chong oversees HLTA Dan Exam

    Kangdukwon Great Grand Master Hwa Chong addresses dan students of Grand Master Han Lee on 5 May 2024.

  • Death Before Dishonor

    Death Before Dishonor

    600 Swiss Guardsmen chose to die fighting rather than to walk away free weeks before the storming of the Tuileries Palace during the French Revolution. Why did they do it?

  • What Makes a Champion?

    What Makes a Champion?

    Most athletes dream of one day becoming a champion. But a champion in a match or on the playground is not the same as a champion in life. What does it mean to be a champion? What does it mean ‘to succeed’ in life? What is ‘success’?